Thursday, December 9, 2010

2009… What a year

At the beginning of 2009 I was very scared because I could not know what would come in my life. Everything was new plus I did not know anybody. Then I started from little to meet new people and form a group, at that point I was a little more relief. But then came all the courses… and the first on the top of my head was… I will not make it to the end of this year, I remember than that idea was in every once in a while during all my first year, it was so sad. But fortunately it happen something different.

To start, the first semester like I mentioned before was quite scary from the new friends that I met to the new subjects. Fortunately I adapt very quickly to all of this. I made great friends which I still in contact with them. And in the case of my subjects at first I thought “I am not going to make it” but with a lot of hard work and adjustment to my personal life I gladly finished it all. But in the winter vacation I have to study for a Biochemistry test that was not any pleasant for me.

Another completely thing was the second semester… Only thinking in that time and it makes me seek. I have never been so stress out in my all life. I study every second of the day and I was pretty scared about ANATOMY (maybe everyone was in that place). My routing was: wake up, take a shower, arrive campus, do class, make a test (if that was the case), study in my breaks, came back to class and then go home and… STUDY!!! But then again I went well =) and I finish all my courses with success. It was a huge accomplish for me.

To sum up 2009 was an extremely difficult year and I thing not only just for me but to all my friends that started college. Veterinary medicine in particularly is a very difficult career. Maybe the subjects are not that hard but it is the limited time that one person had to study what makes it so complex. At this point I had not reproved any course but I am not ignoring the possibility that may happen that. I still believe that with hard work and organization you can do great things in the University. I know I can do better everytime!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Challenges in my career.. and some others

From the start I knew that enter in the UNY was going to be tuff… moreover if I was going to be working with animals that not all of them are so friendly =S. however, in my time in the faculty I began to sense that some important things need from serious measures. To sum up I am going to describe just some of it, in regards of technology, social matters and education.

Let’s start with the challenges regards to technology. From my point of view (and not only in my faculty) veterinary medicine is a type of career that is lack of this, maybe is because our job and I am referring specific to ground work like visiting a farm or taking samples to then analyze it is taking a jump from pre-historic to more actual times but at very slow rate E.g, It’s very strange that a person takes his dog to a veterinary practice and if the doctor tells the owner that his pet needs an X-ray the owner will go running to get one, this usually happens because this types of trails are very expensive and if no one do something about it this will go on and on. Maybe if the government approves more this kind of care there will not be so many problems.

Another problem is the social matter. In this case I have to say that I am a pro-veterinary-speaker with everybody I now. I mean that I always talk to people about my career and say that is not just about dogs and kitties, is more of that. Is one of the few careers that I now witch has so much field for work. Is important that us as future veterinarians make conscience to people about how relevant is been a vet and try to “recruit” young people to enter in this beautiful world (and stress as well jajaa!).

And last but not least is the education… mmmmmm… well this topic is a bit conflictive for many students not only in my career but in all. I think from my side I have to say the main issue is the scholarship… It should be FREE! I can believe that a county like Chile that is suppose a developed one doesn’t have the resource to give an honest education to its population. Instead of making big buildings and I don’t know what else the president should make ones else for all a free education for everyone that wants to prosper in life.

These problems are very different in the way that can be executed and some are more important than others for every person, but I think this can be relevant.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wou… Cats are very smart!!!

Scientist spends most of their time doing extensive researches about different topics. But the hardest of all is to find something to investigate. Fortunately for Roman Stocker, an expert in fluid mechanics at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was very easy to find. One day he was in his own house watching its cat drink it milk… how simple… and he was wondering… how cats drink liquids so fast?, and how they do it?. By this observation he began to study the dynamic of cat’s tongue in concern about the ability of drink fluids to a high speed. With help from some of his graduate students he forms a group of investigation. The method of study was recorded every time the cat drinks from its bowl to a regulated speed, so the effect could be seen in slow motion. In the process was observed that in every lap, the cat in study took little amounts of milk, rapidly. Of course like in every study there were other subjects, e.g a bigger cat. From this, Roman Stocker and his disciples observe that in this case the cat lap more slowly than the first or smaller cat but the milk columns were thicker. About this they came to the conclusion that like the larger cat can drink more milk for lap then it is no necessary to make laps so rapidly like the other cat, and that way… and this is a personal opinion… the cat can save energies for other functions.

About this subject it’s still on research and it is also the manufacture of a model tongue cat.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Veterinary in construction!

In the actual time the facilities in my faculty had improved, I think, in positives waves like, for example the number of classrooms are increased and also the sides of it, like room nine which it was my classroom the past year =’( that room can hold among one hundred and eighty people. also it was well seen that in the past earthquake all of the faculties buildings resist the big movement and there was only one or two broken windows. But despite of this positive qualities there is a lot of things that I like to change in my study space and let’s face it “second home” (how sad!!!). In particular I think the most important is to have a bigger lunch area because we are many people in the faculty among students, teachers, doctors and the rest of the UNI staff that sometimes you have to wait your turn to sit in a chair and that is a big problem if you are in a hurry (which almost every day it is!). If the solution was in my hands I’ll do a request and make it sign it for all the people interesting in it and when I reach the three hundred firms I’ll send it to the faculty dean so he could see the importance of the situation and do something about it. But if the dean wants a suggestion I’ll recommended an expansion to a “lunch free-air area” not another concrete construction, maybe built a roof and put chairs and tables in the little park next to the lunch area, this I think would be a solution that helps us and don’t destroy the environment next to us. At long term it would be benefit to all the faculty members because we’ll have much more space and also enjoy more of our green facilities.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Godfather I

I’ll have to say that my favourite movie ever is THE GODFATHER I. The plot is about the Italian mafia in the fifties in New York City. The story is about a Sicilian man name Vito Corleone who immigrate to America and form a big family, but to have a better life he started to do all kinds of dirty jobs until he finally become the most important, respected and feared head of the mafia in that time. The main goal of Vito is to inheritance all his empire to his son, Michael. The Godfather is a Criminal kind of movie, which has a lot of violence instead of action. The main characters of the movie are Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando), Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) who is the youngest Vito’ son, Diane Keaton (Kay Adams Corleone) the wife of Michael and the rest of Vito’s children; Sonny Corleone (James Caan), Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), Cony Corleone (Talia Shire) and Fredo Corleone (John Cazale). I always hear of this movie but I think the very first time that I saw it was no more than four years ago by cable TV and I instantly fell in love of it =). The thing that I like the most was the time of the story (1945-1955) in that years the women and men wear so beautiful clothes and the cars were amazing. Also the plot is great because is about a topic so important like mafia, you can see the inside world of it and I like to know about this types of mysterious subjects. Well, I could write and write about this movie, I like it so much that every time that I catch it in the TV I watch it and I could do it again… again… and again!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE =)

Pd, I didn't copy from you miss, is just that The Godfather is really my favourite movie ;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Doggi, Dog, Doggi

It is going to sound a little “cliché” but my favourite animal is the DOG. All my life I’ve been surrounded by dogs, in fact, my dad had many influence in this because he experience the same thing and I think in some way he inherited that in me. I love dogs so much that I have nine of them =) which for many it seems to be impossible actually for me and my family is a true bless.

There something very curious about my dogs, every one of them has a particularity, e.g one of the youngest LOBITO has a childlike personality spend all the day playing with its brother MOYKA and with toys of all kind, there is only one of my dogs who can controlled it, PEPITA its mother, been little and all doesn’t stop “her”. REINA, like its name said, never leaves my bedroom and doesn’t like to be disturbed jajaja I even had to serve its food in my bed. My cocker BULY is very quiet but it’s obsessed by cats and when one of them appears in my yard he runs to catch it. MUÑECA smiles to people, I mean REALLY SMILES, when you call it by its name. My other male dog TERRY has a face of tenderness next to a big chunky body. And the oldest ones LAYKA and GALÁN, who by the way they are a couple jajaja!! are very calm and sweet. I could spend all the day talking about my pets and dogs in general, I like the way they look at me, how they walk, eat, run, bark, sleep, I am crazy about them but most of all I am amazed how much they are faithful to their masters… from my experience I’ve not seen that in any other animal.

One of the many reasons that encourage me to enter in this faculty were dogs. My goal is to specialize in small animal medicine ones I finish the UNI and open my own practice for small animals. I hope everything goes well so at the end I could help many dogs as possible to make them feel loved and appreciated.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Santiago... a place for fun

With our rusher life we can notice what a magnificent city we have. SANTIAGO OF CHILE has many attractive places to visit. From downtown to the SANTIAGO’s valley people can have a wonderful time… In the top of my head I would suggest going to:

SAN CRISTOBAL HILL, because in that place you can see many things, like the big VIRGEN MARIA’s statue, the metropolitan ZOO with a variety of wild animals and the most fun of all is to climb up the hill, which you can do running, walking, biking and for the more lazy ones by car, and when you get to the top you can see almost all Santiago’ city… it’s very amazing!!

Other place could be the PLAZA DE ARMAS; there is the Cathedral which amazed tourist by its size and old architecture. Many people took photographs there and is very common see all this foreign people from different places of the world, specially peruanos (why?? I don’t know).

If I would like to invite some tourist to party at night I sincerely recommend BELLA VISTA’S NEIGHBORHOOD, Why??? It’s a place for fun and very bohemian. Not only at night but also on day… you can go to a café and enjoy a very nice time with some friends.

Once the night ends it doesn’t mean that we go to sleep… to get off that headache the next stop would have to be the MERCADO CENTRAL where the specialty of any restaurant in there are the seafood… a nice and hot paila marina and your body would be ready to move on.

And finally but not last, I would leave the city and go to a more quite place in the valley near the mountains like EL CAJON DEL MAIPO. This is a place where you can only hear the sound of the wind and the birds singing. It has great sites like the bank of a river or vast meadows where you can sit and read a nice book to connect with all the nature that surrounds you… very relaxing!

I think with a plan like this all the tourist will decide to come back to Santiago… and maybe move her…

Friday, October 8, 2010

Life or death???

You hear in movies, in the tv-news, newspapers, the radio even in small talks with friends and always... at least in my case... always there are two opinions: Life or death, kill them all or locked them up forever, what should we do with cold bloody killers in this days???

I really can imagine what happen in those people's mind, I mean the murderers, when they simply kill another human being. Are they sick??? Are they needed to do it??? or simply for pleasure??? That will be an interrogative until this world ends. But if we judged them for murdered people then who are we to give the order to kill them???... I personally don't approve death penalty...

One of my points will be the one that I already mentioned; I have no right on anyone, even in jail prisoners to take their lives from them. I am no religious women... I mean that I don't go to church and don't belong to any religious cult... but I believe in God and he is the only one that can put an end to our life. Also, if I really want to punish those criminals I will keep them forever in a cell and not kill them because they wouldn’t feel the agony of not been free and let’s face it that’s a little comfort for the family affected.

I strongly think that countries with this kind of punishment are barbarians and fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them suffer all in life. When they reach old age and face the death they will realize the magnitude of the damaged they cause.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I got an offer you can refuse...

Well... it gets a little bit complicate to decide about wich country of the entery world I would like to visite in some part of my life but if I have to shoose a continent it would be Europe. I like the idea of traveling in train for all the countries with a friend or boyfriend =). Now, if we going to get peeky I've loved the plan to go to Italy. I think that is not only a beautiful country but also I very romantic place. I like the arquitecture in there it's like time one day stop because the buildings, houses and monuments don't evolved, I really like that, with only look you can notice the type of culture.

Mostly, all the things a now about Italy comes from movies. I'm obsessed with maphia movies specially THE GOD FATHER I, II AND III, jaja I've watched them all, is not for the violent part (mostly jajaja) but for the beautiful landscapes that are shown in the movie. From that films I know that in there are huge squares or piazza like it's pronounce to italian were all the people gattered to celebrate different things like weddings, religious festivities and more...

I will like visite villas and their vineyards, in there have a enourmes dinner with all the common foods that italians eat. But the ultimate dream for me will be watch the sun rissing from a balcony with a amazing view with someone I love... wooouhhh!!!! that would be so cool and romantic. I definitely would try to explore as much as posible in that country.

I like Italy, I really like but I have to said that I just will go to visite it, maybe I will study in there for a short period of time but not for working and even less for living there. I will miss my family a lot.

To summarize I found this country great it's like a unic place where you can find calm and happiness, but I would not leave my CHILITO for any way.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transantiago... a solution???

From the beginning the new transport plan of Santiago had it's doubt and when it finally arrived in February of 2006 (I think) it gave reason to many people who were against it, because it was a total mess. There was so many crowd inside the machines, the Santiaguinos were moody for the long waiting lines in the stop buses and many other things that, lets face it were not prepared. With the years passing there was some improvements, but there is steel some troubles.

Sincerely, I find that the new system it's better than the older one in many things, like the payment with the BIP card for several points, you don't need to have the money in your hand t pay the bus and the bus driver has to focus only in driving. But I have to said that the routes don't work with all the public in the city, some of them have to take even four buses/subway and that situation has make the train option catastrophic!!!!!

In my experience I don't have any problems with transantiago and even with the old-transantiago because I live so far away from the city and every trip that I have to make is long so I am happy with the system, but it's just my opinion and I now that is not the case of the majority.

Of course I will change some things like add more routes for different areas, make education's plans in schools and even in work places.
To sum up, I find that we have to give it a chance to this system, I know it's a big change from before but every change it's difficult to get it right but as a civilaze and modern community we can adjust and organize to get on time to the destination.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The fall semester

Well, I have to say that this year’s academic beginning was very good for me. I enter to the faculty with my mind fresh and new for all the curricular activities that I had. I even became good in some areas that in the past semester I wasn’t very well skilled, like anatomy but I have to said that at the end I was pretty exhausted and I couldn’t wait for vacations. Despite of that I didn’t reprove any subject and got very good grades. I couldn’t take any sports subject because there weren’t any that I like in the free time left. For other part I started to meet new people in the faculty actually I already knew them but we began to talk more and get to know us better than before so I have more friends than the past year. In some aspects I found this semester maybe is going to be a little more difficult than the other because I have more subjects and there for less time to do things that are not related to studies. I am afraid to stress out and lost it… I hope that will not be the case and I will be able to finish my fourth semester just as equal than last one.