Friday, October 8, 2010

Life or death???

You hear in movies, in the tv-news, newspapers, the radio even in small talks with friends and always... at least in my case... always there are two opinions: Life or death, kill them all or locked them up forever, what should we do with cold bloody killers in this days???

I really can imagine what happen in those people's mind, I mean the murderers, when they simply kill another human being. Are they sick??? Are they needed to do it??? or simply for pleasure??? That will be an interrogative until this world ends. But if we judged them for murdered people then who are we to give the order to kill them???... I personally don't approve death penalty...

One of my points will be the one that I already mentioned; I have no right on anyone, even in jail prisoners to take their lives from them. I am no religious women... I mean that I don't go to church and don't belong to any religious cult... but I believe in God and he is the only one that can put an end to our life. Also, if I really want to punish those criminals I will keep them forever in a cell and not kill them because they wouldn’t feel the agony of not been free and let’s face it that’s a little comfort for the family affected.

I strongly think that countries with this kind of punishment are barbarians and fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them suffer all in life. When they reach old age and face the death they will realize the magnitude of the damaged they cause.


  1. Very nice , i like a lot is a very direct and raw commentary .-

  2. You hear in movies, in the tv-news, newspapers, the radio even in small talks with friends and always... at least in my case... always there are two opinions: Life or death, kill them all or locked them up forever, what should we do with cold bloody killers in this days???
    I really can imagine what happen in those people's mind, I mean the murderers, when they simply kill another human being. Are they sick??? Are they needed to do it??? or simply for pleasure??? That will be an interrogative until this world ends. But if we judged them for murdered people then who are we to give the order to kill them???... I personally don't approve death penalty...
    One of my points will be the one that I already mentioned; I have no right on anyone, even in jail prisoners to take their lives from them. I am no religious women... I mean that I don't go to church and don't belong to any religious cult... but I believe in God and he is the only one that can put an end to our WF life. Also, if I really want to punish those criminals I will keep them forever in a cell and not kill them because they wouldn’t feel the agony of not been free and let’s face it that’s a little comfort for the family affected.
    I strongly think that countries with this kind of punishment are barbarians and fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them suffer all in life. When they reach old age and face the death they will realize the magnitude of the damaged they cause.

    well done! very good arguments as well... Now, it is a very complex issue since countries like the US support this so eagerly!
