Sunday, October 24, 2010

Doggi, Dog, Doggi

It is going to sound a little “cliché” but my favourite animal is the DOG. All my life I’ve been surrounded by dogs, in fact, my dad had many influence in this because he experience the same thing and I think in some way he inherited that in me. I love dogs so much that I have nine of them =) which for many it seems to be impossible actually for me and my family is a true bless.

There something very curious about my dogs, every one of them has a particularity, e.g one of the youngest LOBITO has a childlike personality spend all the day playing with its brother MOYKA and with toys of all kind, there is only one of my dogs who can controlled it, PEPITA its mother, been little and all doesn’t stop “her”. REINA, like its name said, never leaves my bedroom and doesn’t like to be disturbed jajaja I even had to serve its food in my bed. My cocker BULY is very quiet but it’s obsessed by cats and when one of them appears in my yard he runs to catch it. MUÑECA smiles to people, I mean REALLY SMILES, when you call it by its name. My other male dog TERRY has a face of tenderness next to a big chunky body. And the oldest ones LAYKA and GALÁN, who by the way they are a couple jajaja!! are very calm and sweet. I could spend all the day talking about my pets and dogs in general, I like the way they look at me, how they walk, eat, run, bark, sleep, I am crazy about them but most of all I am amazed how much they are faithful to their masters… from my experience I’ve not seen that in any other animal.

One of the many reasons that encourage me to enter in this faculty were dogs. My goal is to specialize in small animal medicine ones I finish the UNI and open my own practice for small animals. I hope everything goes well so at the end I could help many dogs as possible to make them feel loved and appreciated.


  1. Wow ceci, nine dogs its a lot! ajhjahajhajhajhajha but you do not get bored in your home because them are always by your side!

  2. Jajajaja
    I know perfectly well the troop of bandits who are you talking about ... and more than your love for dogs ... Ja! I do remember when I went to your house and merde all leaning out the window .. but so am left with an cats =)

  3. It is going to sound a little “cliché” but my favourite animal is the DOG. All my life I’ve been surrounded by dogs, in fact, my dad had many influence in this because he SVA experience the same thing and I think in some way he inherited that in me. I love dogs so much that I have nine of them =) which for many it seems to be impossible actually for me and my family is a true bless.
    There something very curious about my dogs, every one of them has a particularity, e.g one of the youngest LOBITO has a childlike personality SVA spend all the day playing with its brother MOYKA and with toys of all kind, there is only one of my dogs who can controlled it, PEPITA its mother, been little and all doesn’t stop “her”. REINA, like its name said, never leaves my bedroom and doesn’t like to be disturbed jajaja I even had to serve its food in my bed. My cocker BULY is very quiet but it’s obsessed by cats and when one of them appears in my yard he runs to catch it. MUÑECA smiles to people, I mean REALLY SMILES, when you call it by its name. My other male dog TERRY has a face of tenderness next to a big chunky body. And the oldest ones LAYKA and GALÁN, who by the way they are a couple jajaja!! are very calm and sweet. I could spend all the day talking about my pets and dogs in general, I like the way they look at me, how they walk, eat, run, bark, sleep, I am crazy about them but most of all I am amazed how much they are faithful to their masters… from my experience I’ve not seen that in any other animal.

    One of the many reasons that encourage me to enter in this faculty were dogs. My goal is to specialize in small animal medicine ones I finish the UNI and open my own practice for small animals. I hope everything goes well so at the end I could help many dogs as possible to make them feel loved and appreciated.

    you have the nicest dogs!
    good luck!
