Monday, November 29, 2010

Challenges in my career.. and some others

From the start I knew that enter in the UNY was going to be tuff… moreover if I was going to be working with animals that not all of them are so friendly =S. however, in my time in the faculty I began to sense that some important things need from serious measures. To sum up I am going to describe just some of it, in regards of technology, social matters and education.

Let’s start with the challenges regards to technology. From my point of view (and not only in my faculty) veterinary medicine is a type of career that is lack of this, maybe is because our job and I am referring specific to ground work like visiting a farm or taking samples to then analyze it is taking a jump from pre-historic to more actual times but at very slow rate E.g, It’s very strange that a person takes his dog to a veterinary practice and if the doctor tells the owner that his pet needs an X-ray the owner will go running to get one, this usually happens because this types of trails are very expensive and if no one do something about it this will go on and on. Maybe if the government approves more this kind of care there will not be so many problems.

Another problem is the social matter. In this case I have to say that I am a pro-veterinary-speaker with everybody I now. I mean that I always talk to people about my career and say that is not just about dogs and kitties, is more of that. Is one of the few careers that I now witch has so much field for work. Is important that us as future veterinarians make conscience to people about how relevant is been a vet and try to “recruit” young people to enter in this beautiful world (and stress as well jajaa!).

And last but not least is the education… mmmmmm… well this topic is a bit conflictive for many students not only in my career but in all. I think from my side I have to say the main issue is the scholarship… It should be FREE! I can believe that a county like Chile that is suppose a developed one doesn’t have the resource to give an honest education to its population. Instead of making big buildings and I don’t know what else the president should make ones else for all a free education for everyone that wants to prosper in life.

These problems are very different in the way that can be executed and some are more important than others for every person, but I think this can be relevant.

1 comment:

  1. Posted by Ceci at 7:36 PM 0 comments
    Monday, November 29, 2010

    Challenges in my career.. and some others

    From the start I knew that enter in the SP UNY was going to be SP tuff… moreover if I was going to be working with animals that not all of them are so friendly =S. however, in my time in the faculty I began to sense that some important things need from serious measures. To sum up I am going to describe just some of it, in regards of technology, social matters and education.

    Let’s start with the challenges regards to technology. From my point of view (and not only in my faculty) veterinary medicine is a type of career that is lack of this, maybe is because our job and I am referring specific to ground work like visiting a farm or taking samples to then analyze it is taking a jump from pre-historic to more actual times but at very slow rate E.g, It’s very strange that a person takes his dog to a veterinary practice and if the doctor tells the owner that his pet needs an X-ray the owner will go running to get one, this usually happens because this types of ? trails are very expensive and if no one do something about it this will go on and on. Maybe if the government approves more this kind of care there will not be so many problems.

    Another problem is the social matter. In this case I have to say that I am a pro-veterinary-speaker with everybody I SP now. I mean that I always talk to people about my career and say that is not just about dogs and kitties, is more of that. ^ Is one of the few careers that I now WW witch has so much field for work. ^ Is important that us as future veterinarians make conscience to people about how relevant is been a vet and try to “recruit” young people to enter in this beautiful world (and stress as well jajaa!).

    And last but not least is the education… mmmmmm… well this topic is a bit conflictive for many students not only in my career but in all. I think from my side I have to say the main issue is the scholarship… It should be FREE! I can believe that a county like Chile that is suppose a developed one doesn’t have the resource to give an honest education to its population. Instead of making big buildings and I don’t know what else the president should make ones else for all a free education for everyone that wants to prosper in life.

    These problems are very different in the way that can be executed and some are more important than others for every person, but I think this can be relevant.

    well apparently we all have the same challenges right?
