Thursday, September 30, 2010

I got an offer you can refuse...

Well... it gets a little bit complicate to decide about wich country of the entery world I would like to visite in some part of my life but if I have to shoose a continent it would be Europe. I like the idea of traveling in train for all the countries with a friend or boyfriend =). Now, if we going to get peeky I've loved the plan to go to Italy. I think that is not only a beautiful country but also I very romantic place. I like the arquitecture in there it's like time one day stop because the buildings, houses and monuments don't evolved, I really like that, with only look you can notice the type of culture.

Mostly, all the things a now about Italy comes from movies. I'm obsessed with maphia movies specially THE GOD FATHER I, II AND III, jaja I've watched them all, is not for the violent part (mostly jajaja) but for the beautiful landscapes that are shown in the movie. From that films I know that in there are huge squares or piazza like it's pronounce to italian were all the people gattered to celebrate different things like weddings, religious festivities and more...

I will like visite villas and their vineyards, in there have a enourmes dinner with all the common foods that italians eat. But the ultimate dream for me will be watch the sun rissing from a balcony with a amazing view with someone I love... wooouhhh!!!! that would be so cool and romantic. I definitely would try to explore as much as posible in that country.

I like Italy, I really like but I have to said that I just will go to visite it, maybe I will study in there for a short period of time but not for working and even less for living there. I will miss my family a lot.

To summarize I found this country great it's like a unic place where you can find calm and happiness, but I would not leave my CHILITO for any way.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Transantiago... a solution???

From the beginning the new transport plan of Santiago had it's doubt and when it finally arrived in February of 2006 (I think) it gave reason to many people who were against it, because it was a total mess. There was so many crowd inside the machines, the Santiaguinos were moody for the long waiting lines in the stop buses and many other things that, lets face it were not prepared. With the years passing there was some improvements, but there is steel some troubles.

Sincerely, I find that the new system it's better than the older one in many things, like the payment with the BIP card for several points, you don't need to have the money in your hand t pay the bus and the bus driver has to focus only in driving. But I have to said that the routes don't work with all the public in the city, some of them have to take even four buses/subway and that situation has make the train option catastrophic!!!!!

In my experience I don't have any problems with transantiago and even with the old-transantiago because I live so far away from the city and every trip that I have to make is long so I am happy with the system, but it's just my opinion and I now that is not the case of the majority.

Of course I will change some things like add more routes for different areas, make education's plans in schools and even in work places.
To sum up, I find that we have to give it a chance to this system, I know it's a big change from before but every change it's difficult to get it right but as a civilaze and modern community we can adjust and organize to get on time to the destination.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The fall semester

Well, I have to say that this year’s academic beginning was very good for me. I enter to the faculty with my mind fresh and new for all the curricular activities that I had. I even became good in some areas that in the past semester I wasn’t very well skilled, like anatomy but I have to said that at the end I was pretty exhausted and I couldn’t wait for vacations. Despite of that I didn’t reprove any subject and got very good grades. I couldn’t take any sports subject because there weren’t any that I like in the free time left. For other part I started to meet new people in the faculty actually I already knew them but we began to talk more and get to know us better than before so I have more friends than the past year. In some aspects I found this semester maybe is going to be a little more difficult than the other because I have more subjects and there for less time to do things that are not related to studies. I am afraid to stress out and lost it… I hope that will not be the case and I will be able to finish my fourth semester just as equal than last one.