Sunday, October 24, 2010

Doggi, Dog, Doggi

It is going to sound a little “cliché” but my favourite animal is the DOG. All my life I’ve been surrounded by dogs, in fact, my dad had many influence in this because he experience the same thing and I think in some way he inherited that in me. I love dogs so much that I have nine of them =) which for many it seems to be impossible actually for me and my family is a true bless.

There something very curious about my dogs, every one of them has a particularity, e.g one of the youngest LOBITO has a childlike personality spend all the day playing with its brother MOYKA and with toys of all kind, there is only one of my dogs who can controlled it, PEPITA its mother, been little and all doesn’t stop “her”. REINA, like its name said, never leaves my bedroom and doesn’t like to be disturbed jajaja I even had to serve its food in my bed. My cocker BULY is very quiet but it’s obsessed by cats and when one of them appears in my yard he runs to catch it. MUÑECA smiles to people, I mean REALLY SMILES, when you call it by its name. My other male dog TERRY has a face of tenderness next to a big chunky body. And the oldest ones LAYKA and GALÁN, who by the way they are a couple jajaja!! are very calm and sweet. I could spend all the day talking about my pets and dogs in general, I like the way they look at me, how they walk, eat, run, bark, sleep, I am crazy about them but most of all I am amazed how much they are faithful to their masters… from my experience I’ve not seen that in any other animal.

One of the many reasons that encourage me to enter in this faculty were dogs. My goal is to specialize in small animal medicine ones I finish the UNI and open my own practice for small animals. I hope everything goes well so at the end I could help many dogs as possible to make them feel loved and appreciated.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Santiago... a place for fun

With our rusher life we can notice what a magnificent city we have. SANTIAGO OF CHILE has many attractive places to visit. From downtown to the SANTIAGO’s valley people can have a wonderful time… In the top of my head I would suggest going to:

SAN CRISTOBAL HILL, because in that place you can see many things, like the big VIRGEN MARIA’s statue, the metropolitan ZOO with a variety of wild animals and the most fun of all is to climb up the hill, which you can do running, walking, biking and for the more lazy ones by car, and when you get to the top you can see almost all Santiago’ city… it’s very amazing!!

Other place could be the PLAZA DE ARMAS; there is the Cathedral which amazed tourist by its size and old architecture. Many people took photographs there and is very common see all this foreign people from different places of the world, specially peruanos (why?? I don’t know).

If I would like to invite some tourist to party at night I sincerely recommend BELLA VISTA’S NEIGHBORHOOD, Why??? It’s a place for fun and very bohemian. Not only at night but also on day… you can go to a café and enjoy a very nice time with some friends.

Once the night ends it doesn’t mean that we go to sleep… to get off that headache the next stop would have to be the MERCADO CENTRAL where the specialty of any restaurant in there are the seafood… a nice and hot paila marina and your body would be ready to move on.

And finally but not last, I would leave the city and go to a more quite place in the valley near the mountains like EL CAJON DEL MAIPO. This is a place where you can only hear the sound of the wind and the birds singing. It has great sites like the bank of a river or vast meadows where you can sit and read a nice book to connect with all the nature that surrounds you… very relaxing!

I think with a plan like this all the tourist will decide to come back to Santiago… and maybe move her…

Friday, October 8, 2010

Life or death???

You hear in movies, in the tv-news, newspapers, the radio even in small talks with friends and always... at least in my case... always there are two opinions: Life or death, kill them all or locked them up forever, what should we do with cold bloody killers in this days???

I really can imagine what happen in those people's mind, I mean the murderers, when they simply kill another human being. Are they sick??? Are they needed to do it??? or simply for pleasure??? That will be an interrogative until this world ends. But if we judged them for murdered people then who are we to give the order to kill them???... I personally don't approve death penalty...

One of my points will be the one that I already mentioned; I have no right on anyone, even in jail prisoners to take their lives from them. I am no religious women... I mean that I don't go to church and don't belong to any religious cult... but I believe in God and he is the only one that can put an end to our life. Also, if I really want to punish those criminals I will keep them forever in a cell and not kill them because they wouldn’t feel the agony of not been free and let’s face it that’s a little comfort for the family affected.

I strongly think that countries with this kind of punishment are barbarians and fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let them suffer all in life. When they reach old age and face the death they will realize the magnitude of the damaged they cause.