Monday, May 11, 2009

Session 1

Hello, my name is Cecilia and I´m coursing first year of medicine veterinary and in my different courses there is English Preintermediate. Actually It wasn´t in my plans do English in college because I was so good at in school. But I always thing that everything it's for the best becuase the thing that is most difficult to me is pronunciation and I expect to do my best to improve that part in me.


  1. I agree with you :D
    the pronunciation is difficult to me too...
    have a nice day :)

  2. hahhaha yeees I'm agree too, everything is easier in the paper... will see you tomorrow

    succes! Bye =)


  3. Hi there!

    I think practicing englosh is always good to keep us up to date on how to say things and don't forget them! I'm in the old course syllabus and we don't have english as a subject and many people realize now, in fifth year, that is it soooo useful to know!!!
    So, good luck, and practice!!

  4. Hi Cecilia!!!!
    I hope you are fine.
    Reinita bella is adorable. I have 3 dogs and 1 cat, their photos are in my blog...
    you are invited to see them.
    see you on Monday in gym class and then run to English class.....
    ja ja ja...
    Daniela Frias

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. again! hi cecii how are you i love the color of you blog! really pink lol! i see you on mondayyy
