Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My "beautiful" Laptop

I have to say that my favourite piece of technology is my laptop,
actually it's not only mine, it belongs to all in my family. I use it the most because I have to study a lot from the net and donwload many papers and info from school.

My father buoght it two years ago thinking that it was so easily to transportation for me and my brother, sinse we both are studying and we only had one cumputer and it's static (CPU) and also because it was more modern than the other computer. We all were so happy because two years ago was the "boom" of this equipments.

Like I was mentioning I used my laptop to study but not only for that I also play many videogames like "The Sims: Life storys" wich I love because I created houses and sims imagining that that is how my life it's going to be, I found it very entertaining and of course chating with my friends for "messenger" and catching up with "facebook".

I say that I use my laptop at least 4 hours a day just after I arrive home from school but before of that I spend a little time with my boyfriend and my mom, I also have to spend time with my family.

I never think that I would enjoy so much of this "little thing" because I use to watch a lot of T.V but sinse I grown up I start to enjoy other things in life and the laptop complements all the tinhgs that I like such as, playing videogames, chat, learn, etc.

I tihnk that in the contex of playing or found out in wath things are my friends it wouldn't be a problem but in the subject that really but REALLY affect me is in my studyies I thing it would be a big mess if my laptop wouldn't exist.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Session 1

Hello, my name is Cecilia and I´m coursing first year of medicine veterinary and in my different courses there is English Preintermediate. Actually It wasn´t in my plans do English in college because I was so good at in school. But I always thing that everything it's for the best becuase the thing that is most difficult to me is pronunciation and I expect to do my best to improve that part in me.