Thursday, December 9, 2010

2009… What a year

At the beginning of 2009 I was very scared because I could not know what would come in my life. Everything was new plus I did not know anybody. Then I started from little to meet new people and form a group, at that point I was a little more relief. But then came all the courses… and the first on the top of my head was… I will not make it to the end of this year, I remember than that idea was in every once in a while during all my first year, it was so sad. But fortunately it happen something different.

To start, the first semester like I mentioned before was quite scary from the new friends that I met to the new subjects. Fortunately I adapt very quickly to all of this. I made great friends which I still in contact with them. And in the case of my subjects at first I thought “I am not going to make it” but with a lot of hard work and adjustment to my personal life I gladly finished it all. But in the winter vacation I have to study for a Biochemistry test that was not any pleasant for me.

Another completely thing was the second semester… Only thinking in that time and it makes me seek. I have never been so stress out in my all life. I study every second of the day and I was pretty scared about ANATOMY (maybe everyone was in that place). My routing was: wake up, take a shower, arrive campus, do class, make a test (if that was the case), study in my breaks, came back to class and then go home and… STUDY!!! But then again I went well =) and I finish all my courses with success. It was a huge accomplish for me.

To sum up 2009 was an extremely difficult year and I thing not only just for me but to all my friends that started college. Veterinary medicine in particularly is a very difficult career. Maybe the subjects are not that hard but it is the limited time that one person had to study what makes it so complex. At this point I had not reproved any course but I am not ignoring the possibility that may happen that. I still believe that with hard work and organization you can do great things in the University. I know I can do better everytime!!!